

Please read our Advertising page that outlines our policies and procedures for sending an Admail. Thank you.

  • Please enter the Company or Organization name, on behalf of the Admail
  • Please enter first and last name that will be submitting on behalf of the Organization
  • Please enter your email address so we may contact you if we have any questions
  • Please enter the email subject and/or preview here
  • Please enter all information for the email body
  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: doc, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, Max. file size: 25 MB.
      Please upload any file attachments or graphics that you would like included in the email
    • Please include any comments or instructions to create the Admail. If you have your own Mailchimp or email campaign link, then please enter that here. We may make minor changes to layout and design to accommodate
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      Please enter the date in which the email should be sent. 7 days notice is required for review and approval. Any time entered less than 7 days may not be sent out
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