International Certified Prevention Specialist
(This Credential Is Only Available For Renewal)
This certification is reciprocal with other IC&RC member boards.
Work Experience
The applicant must have 2,000 hours full or part-time experience providing Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug (ATOD) prevention services.
The applicant must have 120 documented hours of education in ATOD prevention within the areas defined by the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A listing of the domains is contained in the I.C.P.S. standards manual. A minimum of 50 hours must be specific to ATOD prevention knowledge and skills. A minimum of 45 hours must be specific to multi-cultural and/or specific populations awareness. Applicants must also complete six hours of ethics training.
Supervised Clinical Training
The applicant must have 120 hours of direct supervision performing ATOD prevention functions related to the IC&RC Prevention Performance Domains. A minimum of 10 hours of supervision much be in each domain.
This credential is not currently available for new applicants. Renewals are accepted from currently certified ICPS professionals.
This certification must be re-certified every 2 years by submitting proof of 40 CACCF approved continuing education hours.